
Friday, April 27, 2012

Meriquai Falls – Aaaaaand, It’s A Go!

If you are friends with me on Facebook, you may already know this. Verbal permission from Jason Walters, General Manager of Hero Games, has been granted for me to publish Meriquai Falls! While I will still draw up contracts for Jason and I to sign, based on his templates, in order to make sure everything is legally covered, for all intents and purposes we are a go on this project. This is wonderfully timed, as now I can focus on getting material together for the 10-year Anniversary of Meriquai Falls’ original publication in Digital Hero #2 (way back in July/August 2002).

Thus far, I have the following documents on the queue…

  • Meriquai Falls: Crimson-Hawk (free; May) – This will be a teaser document, presenting some basic history of the city as it pertains to Crimson-Hawk, plus details about Crimson-Hawk himself. It will discuss how he rose to superstardom only to lose it all during the Fall From Grace and how he rose back from those ashes only to make the ultimate sacrifice in the Battle of the Myste.
  • Meriquai Falls: The Imperions (price pending; June) – In the original 2002 article, the Imperions, led by the enigmatic Galvakar, were lauded as the most famous and dangerous of the villain groups in Meriquai Falls. The truth is far more complex than that. While other villain groups exist and can be just as dangerous, the Imperions move with a sense of purpose unlike any other. For what villain could be more dangerous than a man determined to become a god?
  • Meriquai Falls: Primer to the City of Spirits (price pending; July) – In time for Meriquai Falls’ 10-year Anniversary, this document will consolidate all of the general information about Meriquai Falls, apply all known errata, and modernize the setting for 2012. In addition, full character sheets and backgrounds will be provided for 14 heroes and 14 villains of the setting, giving value to the book regardless of whether you intend to use Meriquai Falls as a setting or not.

Other books are planned for further down the line. There is so much about Meriquai Falls to discuss: the Totems of Retribution, the Servants of Darkness, FENRIS, the Genetech Network, Count Dredmaus, and much much more. Stay tuned as plans are solidified.

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